Saturday, January 31, 2009


When I was in my twenties, thirties, and even forties my brothers and I used to joke that watching the Weather Channel was the perfect soporific. Now that I'm in my fifties, hopefully a little wiser especially after the flood last summer, I finally understand the reason the Weather Channel is so successful. Weather has an effect on all our lives. It can even change history ... see the Battle of the Bulge during WWII or Hurricane Katrina or our own flood in more recent times.

I don't watch continuously, but when local forecasters predict a major storm coming our way I do tune in to track its progress.

A seemingly trivial post but I think it says more about me maturing into late middle age, and the limited wisdom that goes with it, than anything else.

For now, good night.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

A toast: Happy New Year! May it be one hell of a lot better than the last one.

If you've been following along you have an idea of what I mean. If not: the high turnover rate on my unit at the hospital and the Flood of 2008 are among the reasons I say that.

It hasn't been all bad. In 2008 I was blessed with growing a bit closer to my family. We are separated by distance and busy lives. Keeping in touch is hard. I was also blessed with good friends, as always. Then there is my church family, and the fact that I am fairly secure in my job during these difficult times.

There's more, but still; 2008 was a tough year to say the least. I hope and pray that 2009 will be a year to remember for the good stuff that happens.

Wishing you all the best and a most Happy New Year, for now good night.

About Me

I work in health care, love books, love music, enjoy the internet, my friends, and my routine. 8-)